October 15, 2010
Wake up
Get ready for day, drinking coffee in hopes it will open up my eyes and kick in quick.
Wake up kids and get them out the door, hearing “where is my shoes,” thinking I don’t even know where mine are.
Putting make up on, hunting for keys, and grabbing a snickers for breakfast as we run out of the door.
Yelling “come on, hurry, we are out of time.”
Push down the road, with the burden of knowing that I once again didn’t get the plumber called to fix the clothes washer. Reminded of the piles of clothes that are building, and dishes, bills and other things that are piling and becoming overwhelmed.
Having one of the kids say, “Hey, you need to sign this and I need money for pizza today“, as I sit in the line of parents waiting for me to move so they can continue on with their day.
I look at the time and see that I have only 5 minutes once again to get to work, and also notice that I have no gasoline and knowing that I can’t make it one more time to work, because I have not had time for the last 2 trips to stop for a fill up.
I stop at the closest gas station, the frustration of not doing it last night builds up in me, fear comes over, because if I am late again after warnings from my boss that today could be the day I am sent home without a job.
I pump just enough to get by, so I can be on time to work but knowing later that day after work I will have to drive an hour and half to get to your son’s ball game….
I know that all of us can relate to this agenda in some way or another. Sadly it doesn’t even include the work loads that are put on us in dead end jobs. The repeating of evenings that we are so busy that are kids are left to find their own ways or without one of their parents that are too busy. The heartache it brings within our marriages and other relationships. The stress that we experience, that keep us from restful sleep, the tossing and turning that haunts us not only at night but every minute of the day. The pressure that is placed on us to work harder, to do more, to achieve higher levels, to entertain, to be there in all matters, to solve, to carry burdens for others.
I believe that this is not the way God wants us to live and He has a different agenda for us. Here is my journey…
When I separated from my husband ( now ex- husband) I was working two job, raising two very young boys alone, and a big burden of debt. I had the whole world placed on my shoulders. I was the provider, I was the comforter, the strength, the worrier, the ox that carried the load.
I remember being so angry because it was laid on “ME”, but stubborn enough that I worked though it year after year to prove I was strong enough. Which the truth was that I was just tired, broken, hurt, burdened, mad and scared.
I gave myself this big pep talk every time I drove to work. I tried very hard to hide the anger I had as I worked in the pressure of doing 3 persons job and watched others stand around talking. I cried my way home to face the burden of raising my children alone. Most nights finding myself falling asleep on the couch with my kids wrapped in my arms.
I was so scared to quit my job, it was a higher paying and it was in my mind the only way to support my family and cover the debts that I had from my divorce. I remember being in prison in that fear. Until one day, God whispered to me. “Do you think I can do it? Relax, watch, listen and learn that I am the one that can... be confident in who I am. “
Even though it was beyond MY better judgment, I quit my job. I walked out in faith that God was in control and had my best interest in mind. At that moment I know that my obedience and faith in God broke the chains that kept me held back. God had changed our relationship, because I placed my life in his hands.
I want to report, that I remember cleaning my house and catching up on the 'need to do' list. After about three days, I didn’t have much to do but wait… BE STILL and KNOW I AM (Psalms 64:10). I even clearly remember a few weeks into it sitting and tapping my fingers on a wooden stool, saying to God, “ I will sit here until you guide me, even if it takes forever. “
Even though two months past without a pay check, the job God lead me into paid half the amount an hour than the one before. I never missed a payment on the bill, I never have went for lack, I have paid all my debts full, and my confidence in God has never been so strong.
I found that having less busyness, stress, fear and anger gave me time to focus on what God has to show me. I have been able to raise my boys on a part time job, without lack and sit here today with more than I ever had. I have been able to bless others because I am able to free my time and apply my gifting where they are needed. God’s council and voice is heard though the silence of focusing on Him.
It makes me so sad to sit and watch how the pressures of our society force people into busyness, and fear. Remember when there was Walmart’s that closed at night, even when you had to go to the grocery store on Saturday for your Sunday meal. I had a coworker tell me that he wished there was more hours in a day, I believe that those extra hours will be filled quickly with the hustle and busyness as the other hours that he experiences everyday.
Could you image the world if we would not have anything to do, if we didn’t have our children in every activity, we didn’t think that it was important to keep up with the Jones and that money was not our motivation. If we said “no” once, and that we choose to not allow the pressures of taking all the burden on for ourselves. If our faith, our confidence in God was strong, strong enough to lay our life into His hands. If we would be living in our purpose.
My dear friend, I don’t always get this right. I catch myself adding one more thing to my plate and finding myself.... Tired, stressed, confused, and frustrated. Which is when I know that I have just picked up the burdens again. But life is to short, our childern are to precious to not have a parent at home with them, our time is limited on who we bless and how many times we laugh. God doesn’t give us a mind of confusion, or a agenda of busyness. If Jesus walked His path as so many of us do, would He had been able to heal and minister to so many. He might of even missed He ultimate purpose on the cross.
I challenge you to make an appointment with God. Experience how He is your provider, the comforter, the strength, the worrier, the ox that carries the load. Let Him show you, your purpose, your new agenda and LIVE…. Your time is running out.
Psalms 81 ( MB)
6-7 "I took the world off your shoulders,
freed you from a life of hard labor.
You called to me in your pain;
I got you out of a bad place.
I answered you from where the thunder hides,
I proved you at Meribah Fountain.
8-10 "Listen, dear ones—get this straight;
O Israel, don't take this lightly.
Don't take up with strange gods,
don't worship the latest in gods.
I'm God, your God, the very God
who rescued you from doom in Egypt,
Then fed you all you could eat,
filled your hungry stomachs.
11-12 "But my people didn't listen,
Israel paid no attention;
So I let go of the reins and told them, 'Run!
Do it your own way!'
13-16 "Oh, dear people, will you listen to me now?
Israel, will you follow my map?
I'll make short work of your enemies,
give your foes the back of my hand.
I'll send the God-haters cringing like dogs,
never to be heard from again.
You'll feast on my fresh-baked bread
spread with butter and rock-pure honey."
I posted “Blink” by Revive to listen with this message
Get ready for day, drinking coffee in hopes it will open up my eyes and kick in quick.
Wake up kids and get them out the door, hearing “where is my shoes,” thinking I don’t even know where mine are.
Putting make up on, hunting for keys, and grabbing a snickers for breakfast as we run out of the door.
Yelling “come on, hurry, we are out of time.”
Push down the road, with the burden of knowing that I once again didn’t get the plumber called to fix the clothes washer. Reminded of the piles of clothes that are building, and dishes, bills and other things that are piling and becoming overwhelmed.
Having one of the kids say, “Hey, you need to sign this and I need money for pizza today“, as I sit in the line of parents waiting for me to move so they can continue on with their day.
I look at the time and see that I have only 5 minutes once again to get to work, and also notice that I have no gasoline and knowing that I can’t make it one more time to work, because I have not had time for the last 2 trips to stop for a fill up.
I stop at the closest gas station, the frustration of not doing it last night builds up in me, fear comes over, because if I am late again after warnings from my boss that today could be the day I am sent home without a job.
I pump just enough to get by, so I can be on time to work but knowing later that day after work I will have to drive an hour and half to get to your son’s ball game….
I know that all of us can relate to this agenda in some way or another. Sadly it doesn’t even include the work loads that are put on us in dead end jobs. The repeating of evenings that we are so busy that are kids are left to find their own ways or without one of their parents that are too busy. The heartache it brings within our marriages and other relationships. The stress that we experience, that keep us from restful sleep, the tossing and turning that haunts us not only at night but every minute of the day. The pressure that is placed on us to work harder, to do more, to achieve higher levels, to entertain, to be there in all matters, to solve, to carry burdens for others.
I believe that this is not the way God wants us to live and He has a different agenda for us. Here is my journey…
When I separated from my husband ( now ex- husband) I was working two job, raising two very young boys alone, and a big burden of debt. I had the whole world placed on my shoulders. I was the provider, I was the comforter, the strength, the worrier, the ox that carried the load.
I remember being so angry because it was laid on “ME”, but stubborn enough that I worked though it year after year to prove I was strong enough. Which the truth was that I was just tired, broken, hurt, burdened, mad and scared.
I gave myself this big pep talk every time I drove to work. I tried very hard to hide the anger I had as I worked in the pressure of doing 3 persons job and watched others stand around talking. I cried my way home to face the burden of raising my children alone. Most nights finding myself falling asleep on the couch with my kids wrapped in my arms.
I was so scared to quit my job, it was a higher paying and it was in my mind the only way to support my family and cover the debts that I had from my divorce. I remember being in prison in that fear. Until one day, God whispered to me. “Do you think I can do it? Relax, watch, listen and learn that I am the one that can... be confident in who I am. “
Even though it was beyond MY better judgment, I quit my job. I walked out in faith that God was in control and had my best interest in mind. At that moment I know that my obedience and faith in God broke the chains that kept me held back. God had changed our relationship, because I placed my life in his hands.
I want to report, that I remember cleaning my house and catching up on the 'need to do' list. After about three days, I didn’t have much to do but wait… BE STILL and KNOW I AM (Psalms 64:10). I even clearly remember a few weeks into it sitting and tapping my fingers on a wooden stool, saying to God, “ I will sit here until you guide me, even if it takes forever. “
Even though two months past without a pay check, the job God lead me into paid half the amount an hour than the one before. I never missed a payment on the bill, I never have went for lack, I have paid all my debts full, and my confidence in God has never been so strong.
I found that having less busyness, stress, fear and anger gave me time to focus on what God has to show me. I have been able to raise my boys on a part time job, without lack and sit here today with more than I ever had. I have been able to bless others because I am able to free my time and apply my gifting where they are needed. God’s council and voice is heard though the silence of focusing on Him.
It makes me so sad to sit and watch how the pressures of our society force people into busyness, and fear. Remember when there was Walmart’s that closed at night, even when you had to go to the grocery store on Saturday for your Sunday meal. I had a coworker tell me that he wished there was more hours in a day, I believe that those extra hours will be filled quickly with the hustle and busyness as the other hours that he experiences everyday.
Could you image the world if we would not have anything to do, if we didn’t have our children in every activity, we didn’t think that it was important to keep up with the Jones and that money was not our motivation. If we said “no” once, and that we choose to not allow the pressures of taking all the burden on for ourselves. If our faith, our confidence in God was strong, strong enough to lay our life into His hands. If we would be living in our purpose.
My dear friend, I don’t always get this right. I catch myself adding one more thing to my plate and finding myself.... Tired, stressed, confused, and frustrated. Which is when I know that I have just picked up the burdens again. But life is to short, our childern are to precious to not have a parent at home with them, our time is limited on who we bless and how many times we laugh. God doesn’t give us a mind of confusion, or a agenda of busyness. If Jesus walked His path as so many of us do, would He had been able to heal and minister to so many. He might of even missed He ultimate purpose on the cross.
I challenge you to make an appointment with God. Experience how He is your provider, the comforter, the strength, the worrier, the ox that carries the load. Let Him show you, your purpose, your new agenda and LIVE…. Your time is running out.
Psalms 81 ( MB)
6-7 "I took the world off your shoulders,
freed you from a life of hard labor.
You called to me in your pain;
I got you out of a bad place.
I answered you from where the thunder hides,
I proved you at Meribah Fountain.
8-10 "Listen, dear ones—get this straight;
O Israel, don't take this lightly.
Don't take up with strange gods,
don't worship the latest in gods.
I'm God, your God, the very God
who rescued you from doom in Egypt,
Then fed you all you could eat,
filled your hungry stomachs.
11-12 "But my people didn't listen,
Israel paid no attention;
So I let go of the reins and told them, 'Run!
Do it your own way!'
13-16 "Oh, dear people, will you listen to me now?
Israel, will you follow my map?
I'll make short work of your enemies,
give your foes the back of my hand.
I'll send the God-haters cringing like dogs,
never to be heard from again.
You'll feast on my fresh-baked bread
spread with butter and rock-pure honey."
I posted “Blink” by Revive to listen with this message