April 15, 2011

No LACK... GOD's got my back!!

# 2 Why should I worry about my needs when I know that God will take care of all my needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus? (Philippians 4:19)

And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.
 Philippians 4:19 (NIV)

Eight days I have been home with kids without pay. When I found out that the flu had hit our house I knew with five kids living under my roof I could be in for the long haul. As the only income into the house is through me the first thing I thought was “oh no, what about my paycheck!!!”

Then a settle peace came over me because I have sat in a deeper debt once in my life. And God provided all that I needed at that time….

When I separated from my husband and took on the full responsibility of a house and my children, there was a large debt attached to the marriage. Since my kids where still young that meant that I had to pay for daycare. The financial burden was great.

I remember as a new Christian learning quickly that God supplied all that I needed. He may not of handed me the new quarter of a million dollar home or brand new mustang that I would of looked really good in. But He did supply everything that I needed.

I don’t ever remember going hungry, unclothed, cold or unsheltered. I do remember the time that my van was stalling ever time it rained, but knew that my finances and credit could not support a different vehicle. Because I had went into the bank for a loan a month before. And one day God had me stop to look at a different vehicle that I ended up paying $10 less a month on payment.

There also was a time that I sat on my back porch facing the electricity being cut off. Laying it in God’s hands before I went to bed. The next morning going to the mailbox finding a refund check for an overpayment for the exact price of the bill owed. Still today when I get an unexpected check I think of how God supplies all your needs.

There was a time that I had a complete stranger walk up to me and hand me a check for the amount that I needed for another bill. She would of never known the burden of my heart at the time and why would you ever had anyone $98. Wouldn’t you round it up to $100. It is because it was God writing that check. He knew exactly what I needed.

God has been this way always, look at Abraham when God provided a new sacrifice to replace Isaac, or those many years in the desert for the Hebrews after coming out of Egypt, and do we forget how He provided for Joseph and his family.

Before I close, personally think I need to add, that I learnt how to tithe and do it willingly. Which that could be a whole other story. But lean on God for all your needs… He will take care of you as a father takes care of his children and a shepherd takes care of his flock. I know that I would not have gotten though it without God. Thank you, Lord, for blessing me.

I don’t fear lack because God has shown me that He has my back. So this time away from work taking care of my house.. God is taking care of us too….
God Bless.

April 10, 2011

There is a way out???

#12 Why should I feel condemned when the Bible says there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus? (Romans 8:1)

Romans 8:1 (NIV) Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus..

Last week, I came aware that there was a secret being kept in my house. With a little investigation I found out that my youngest son, cursed at a couple of the boys in my house to get them to settle down and to be quiet then threatened to break their toys if the “secret” was told to me.

I could see an attitude change of my youngest within the last week. He was tightly wound and on the edge at all times. I couldn’t pin point the reason, but again I didn’t know this secret that laid on his heart.

With the knowledge of this secret I sat all five boys down to teach a lesson of grace and forgiveness. I started that there are two kinds of secrets: good and bad. Exampling that good secrets are knowing a gift that someone is going to get at their birthday party, and bad to be ones that should be said because someone could get hurt or has been hurt.

I then went into what is not excepted behaviors. I spoke it in general because I really wanted to see the reactions on everyone’s face. I could see my son’s face sadden and sag into his chest. Then I asked “if you feel as though you have something to say, it is your turn to speak.”

He raised his face slowly and spoke up softly. “ I do, mom”. You could still see the shame and guilt on his face. But he went to confess all that he did in those moments. The pressure that was burdening him started to lessen, but until the boys involved forgave him, he was not totally free.

Later in speaking with my son, he said that it was hard to admit that he did such a bad thing to hurt someone else, but he was scared that he would face a lot of trouble if he admitted it. So he wanted to hide it at all costs.

He was condemning himself, and feared the condemnation of me. I know that this is something I face as a walk with God. I tend to feel the worst of my motivations are too big for the grace and forgiveness of God. Holding onto them tightly and hiding them the best I can. Causing myself to live in a secret convicting world of my own.

Through the past, I have had to admit to wrongs that I have done. And learnt that telling the truth and being honest relieved that convection. The beginning of chapter 8 of Romans speaks that Jesus set you from the disapproval and sentence that is rightfully ours. Even though God knows everything about us: what we feel, think, and do. Because of Jesus’ victory over sin, God will not lay the sentence of Hell on us that the sinful flesh deserve.

My son was holding on to his mistake because he didn’t want to be punished and found when he told the truth, that he was loved and that he truly learnt a lesson through this event. As his mother I was very proud of his honesty, and could see that he had punished himself enough.

I belief that is how God sees us, as a child that messed up. However, His love is so great for us that He doesn’t want anything more from us than to love Him and to learn our lessons. So in our futures we don’t relive it again.

My question to you is what are you holding on to?? What is that deep secret that you are uncomfortable to admit too? Have you tore yourself apart secretly inside, thinking that God will never forgive you?

There is not secret from God, He knows what you are trying to hide from Him. He just wants you to know that Jesus already served your sentence for you. It’s time for you to be set free from it….
God’s love holds us up, comforts us, forgives, and processes to love us more.

April 8, 2011

20 cans of Success

The 20 "cans" of Success
Why should I say I can’t when the Bible says that I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength? (Philippians 4:13)

Why should I worry about my needs when I know that God will take care of all my needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus? (Philippians 4:19)

Why should I fear when the Bible says God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind? (2 Timothy 1:7)

Why should I lack faith to live for Christ when God has given me a measure of faith? (Romans 12:3)

Why should I be weak when the Bible says that the Lord is the strength of my life and that I will display strength and take action because I know God? (Psalm 27:1; Daniel 11:32)

Why should I allow Satan control over my life when He that is in me is greater than he that is in the world? (1 John 4:4)

Why should I accept defeat when the Bible says that God always leads me in victory? (2 Corinthians 2:14)

Why should I lack wisdom when I know that Christ became wisdom to me from God and God gives wisdom to me generously when I ask Him for it? (1 Corinthians 1:30; James 1:5)

Why should I be depressed when I have hope and can recall to mind God’s loving-kindness, compassion and faithfulness? (Lamentations 3:21-23)

Why should I worry and be upset when I can cast all my anxieties on Christ who cares for me? (1 Peter 5:7)

Why should I ever be in bondage knowing that there is freedom where the Spirit of the Lord is? (2 Corinthians 3:17)

Why should I feel condemned when the Bible says there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus? (Romans 8:1)

Why should I feel alone when Jesus said He is with me always and He will never leave me nor forsake me? (Matthew 28:20; Hebrews 13:5)

Why should I feel as if I’m cursed or have bad luck when the Bible says that Christ rescued me from the curse of the law that I might receive His spirit by faith? (Galatians 3:13, 14)

Why should I be unhappy when I, like Paul, can learn to be content whatever the circumstances? (Philippians 4:11)

Why should I feel worthless when Christ became sin for me so that I might become the righteousness of God? (2 Corinthians 5:21)

Why should I feel helpless in the presence of others when I know that if God is for me, who can be against me? (Romans 8:31)

Why should I be confused when God is the author of peace and He gives me knowledge through His Spirit who lives in me? (1 Corinthians 2:12; 14:33)

Why should I feel like a failure when I am more than a conqueror through Christ who loved me? (Romans 8:37)

Why should I let the pressure of life bother me when I can take courage knowing that Jesus has overcome the world and its problems? (John 16:33)

(From Victory Over the Darkness, by Dr. Neil Anderson)

No Pressure...

#20  Why should I let pressures of Life bother me when I can take courage knowing that Jesus has overcome the world and its problems? (20 cans for Success)

 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

Pressures of life tends to be a big part of anyone’s life. It is the small naggin’ waves that seem to not be large enough to rock the boat. It makes me think of spending time in the ocean. The waves would come in, making you step back but not knock you down. Further more, after spending a lot of time in the water, your body tires and soon it is evident that the waves had an effect on you.

I have noticed that I can identify when the big trials and storms hit me. I am sure that everyone can admit that your body tenses, emotions increase. You cling to hope and your faith in God knowing it will get you through it. The big waves of life tend to knock you down, tumble and beat you up, and sometimes take the breath from you. I understand life is not easy, but because the hard things of this life are temporary and are preparing for us an eternal glory. I seem to miss seeing that the little everyday items are doing that too.

I have noticed they take more from me than the big struggles. I figure this to be true because I tend to deal with these little struggles by myself. Recently, I found myself pressured to the point of tears. Saying to my friend… “I can’t say it is one big thing but many little things.” If I was only dealing with behavior of the children in my home, I know that would have been nothing different than I deal with everyday.

It was the addition of remodeling my kitchen, being stretched between children’s needs and activities, making decisions on a new car, planning a remodel on the attic, work, bills, lack of sleep…. UrGH!! Funny how that makes me stressed just writing a uncompleted list. Whooo! Deep breaths….

Focusing on the scripture in John 16, I realize that I have been conditioned to lay my big burdens at Jesus feet and let Him take them, clinging tight to Him through it. But holding onto the little tasks to deal with on my own. Being hit and battered by them over time. This scripture is proof that I have it wrong.

Jesus is telling us that there will be pressures but He has taken care of it with defeating darkness at the cross. He did say pressures not storms or trails. That would be anything that forces against you, big or little. Take a second to think of what is pressing against you… He has overcome that for you.

I know for myself I am going to need to place those little burdens at his feet too. It’s not as though He is not a big enough God to deal with these things too. It is just I need to condition myself that all of my life needs
to be handed to Him. Just think we can give Him the bad things and in return He gives us peace….

April 4, 2011


 Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. James 1:2-4 (NIV)

Perseverance…. continued steady belief or efforts, withstanding discouragement or difficulty; persistence. Steadfastness.

I think of this word… perseverance… God gave it to me to focus on this year of 2011. Only 4 months into the year, I sit here knowing the amount of things that I started.. I have promised to myself, that I was going to get done, and stick with. And already have become discouraged to continue with.

I started the new year, encouraged to drop my extra weight now that I have started medicine to correct my thyroid problem. I could feel my clothing getting lose, the exercising and eating good foods was making me feel the best I ever have. However, this morning when I woke up I realized that I had went right to my old ways.

It is not that I don’t want to feel good, or even drop my weight to get healthy. It is because a shift in my families schedule made it harder to get to the gym… then came the excuses… then discouragement. My weight has been a battle all my life. And the lack of perseverance has made this journey a losing fight.

In all God wisdom, He has known that this is a word that I have been lacking in my live. It is so interesting to me that there is so much I can do easily… but the things that are hard for me are REALLY HARD!!! I know that the only way I will be able to complete this race is to be willing to fight through it knowing I have God, my father, helping when I fall…

My encouragement has come from a couple of inspiring men.  Here are their stories….

Derek had a loving father that started the race with him, and was committed to finishing it with him. God does the same with us. He will never set us out into a journey that He is not willing to take with us. To lift us up when we fall or to encourage us when we need it the most.

These two stories, have brought tears to my eyes each time I have watched them. The perseverance these men had is outstanding. I seem to think when I hit a small bump in the road, I hit a mountain. When all God wants is for me to keep stepping forward through the trail and be willing to finish the race.

God didn’t send me this far to start a race,  He sent me to finish it.