When I started the road being a mother, I decided that there was two things that I focus on teaching my sons as they grew up. The first would be respectful and the other obedience. I found out quickly it is a lesson that I needed to learn also. Here is my journey…
The funniest thing happened the other day... I was joking with my oldest son that I read in the bible that I have permission to "spank " him anytime. I then showed him Proverb 29:15. Which reads as follows: The rod and reproof give wisdom, but a child left undisciplined brings his mother to shame. The funniest part was that he went to his bible to find the same verse... He thought that I had a special version of a mom bible. But after discovering every bible in the house said the same thing, he decided that it was not fair.
The reality about that is God asks that of all of us. The scripture Isaiah 1:19-20 (RSV) proves that to us. It states…If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land; but if you refuse and rebel, you shall be devoured by the sword; for the mouth of the Lord has spoken.
I know for myself, I am hardheaded some of the times… ok… for the ones that know me better… most of the time, I like having my way. It’s easy for me to see why we should be obedient to authority. If my boss asks me to do something outside of my job description, I tend not to put up a big fuse. However, God has asked some things of me that is not so easy. I always enjoy when God asks of me the things I like to do, that are in my confront zone. However, I don’t like when He asks of me to do things that are not.
I think of my boys when it is time to do chores. They dance around the subject the best they can, they make every excuse to accomplish the task at hand, and spend more energy avoiding then doing. But when they are done, there is a sense of accomplishment and the reward is present. Sadly, that seems to reflect me sometimes when God calls on me.
I want to say that I find myself being willing… until it comes to doing. I guess that is where the reproof comes in. I know that teaching my children there is a reward in the obedience seems to be difficult. And there was a time that the rod was appropriate as a consequence. I am sure that God feels the same way about me, and I know that I have gotten my bottom spanked a few times because I didn’t listen to God’s directions.
I look back on the times that I clearly trusted God and did what He said even though, I was tested in strength, in courage and ability. I didn’t lack of anything, because where I needed help He was there to fulfill the need. I can say, when I have been obedient to God’s request no matter how crazy the task was at hand… I had success, with the glory of God and I am reaping the rewards still to this day.
Even knowing all that, it seems to be hard at times to say, YES!. But I realized that it is a lack of faith that keeps me from running towards the task, screaming… YES!! YES!!. Faith is our trust in the ability and love of our heavenly Father. Trusting that He will not lead us in the way of destruction. I know that I would never ask my children to do anything that would lead them into harm. Why would my heavenly father lead me wrong?
Obedience is wrapped around faith. Faith is trusting in the unseen. It really all comes down to taking the steps forward, with the blindfold on, knowing that your heavenly Father is going to protect and guide you, and remove any obstacle that is in your way. Arriving at the destination that when the blindfold is removed you will reap of the goods of the land…
My prayer is that our hearts will be open to trusting when we can not see or understand. That the words of our heart will be, Yes!! to all of God’s directions and requests. Let us be faithful as God is faithful to us. Let us stand in victory over all that asked of us. And May God forgive us for the time times that we were disobedient. Thank you God for the love you have for us, that are not worthy. In Jesus name I pray.. Amen
Be aware of your disobedience, and say YES!!! to God. Close your eyes and take the first step, the ones to follow will be much easier. I am positive that you will reap the benefit at the end of the journey.
God will never ask of you for something that He is not willing to supply you with.
May God Bless you always…
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